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SIKA Footwear Photo Contest
June 22nd, 2009:
Calling all shutterbugs!
Step into Spring with our SIKA Footwear Photo Contest! Now is your chance to win a $50.00 gift certificate from SIKA Footwear by submitting to us a photo of you wearing your SIKA Footwear! And, receive a bonus entry for letting us know why you enjoy wearing your SIKA Footwear!
Please send us a digital photograph of you wearing your SIKA Footwear, whether it is for casual wear or while you are at work. Send photos and testimonials via email to shelley@ecolad.com
Important: Please ensure that your photo is a full length shot and shows you wearing your SIKA Footwear.
If you are unable to submit a photo, you are still eligible to receive the bonus entry by letting us know why you enjoy wearing your SIKA Footwear!
We will post all photos on our web site, www.sikafootwear.com. We will include your first name and the city where you live with each photo. If you would like us to include your employment position, or the name of your restaurant, hospital or place of employment, please submit this information with your photo.
Each photo or testimonial submitted entitles you to one entry to win a $50.00 gift certificate to spend at SIKA Footwear, www.sikafootwear.com.
Include a brief description of your photo and send it to us prior to May 31, 2007. Each photo and each testimonial submitted will receive an entry for the winning $50.00 prize certificate. The winning prize will be drawn on June 1, 2007.
Contest Details
Participants may enter more than once, provided a different image is entered with each photo submission.
Include your name, address and phone number with all entries submitted. Your position and place of employment are optional, and if you would like us to include this information with your photo, please include with your description.
Photos may be featured on one or more of Ecolad Corporation and SIKA Footwear websites, e-stores, catalogs or other publications or promotional materials. Photos will become the property of Ecolad Corporation and SIKA Footwear.
Entries will not be returned.
Good luck to everyone!
SIKA Footwear
A div. of Ecolad Corporation
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